Theine Free



Hammam Rooibos

Flavoured rooibos - Fruity & Floral
This blend combines green dates, orange blossoms, and berries for a sweet, fruity rooibos inspired by a traditional Turkish recipe.
£9.50 £9.50

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  • Infusion Time 5'

  • Quantity 6g / 30cl

  • Temperature of infusion 95°C - 200°F

  • Time of the day Evening


Inspired by a traditional Turkish recipe, Hammam Rooibos is a rich, fruity tea created by Palais des Thes.
This recipe is an original combination of green date pulp, rich red fruit and the mellow roundness of Rooibos.

Native to South Africa, the Aspalathus linearis, or Rooibos bush as it is commonly known, is a different plant from the tea plant, which gives a pleasant beverage with no caffeine and almost no tannin.

Suggestion of preparation

To prepare latte rooibos:

Steep 8g in a mixture of 25cl of water at 95°C and 25cl of hot milk for 5min.

Find out more about the latte preparation.

Tea and dishes message

Pairs perfectly with white chocolate.

Tea ingredients

rooibos (South Africa) (94%), flavours (including strawberry 2%), flower petals (safflower, rose, marigold) (3%).

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